Sonoma County




Tips to Become Socially Responsible:


The benefits for business of implementing Socially Responsible projects have been identified by The World Business Council for Sustainable Development which, after analysing several surveys and case studies, stated that those organisations which design and implement focused Corporate Socially Responsible programs, “attract better talent and have employees that are more motivated, loyal and innovative.” This view has been supported by further research and in a detailed survey by Environics International in 2002, (that questioned 25,000 employees from 25 different countries). The survey found that eighty percent of employees “felt greater motivation and loyalty towards their jobs and companies the more socially responsible their employers became” (Glavas and Piderit, 2009, p.55).


Leadership, organizational culture and people may be among the most important drivers of effective sustainability decision making.  CEO's should communicate - and over communicate - the importance of sustainability and establish a culture of integrating sustainability into day-to-day management decisions.


Even former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told the academic community at a global forum on December 5, 2008 that”as teachers, you can ensure that tomorrow’s leaders understand that the long-term growth of a business is tied to its environmental and social impact”, (Glavas and Piderit, 2009, p.67).



We have several global connections who are leading experts in the field of Social Responsibility. Please feel free to join us in our Community Forums where a consortium of Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs from around the world are discussing a variety of topics involving 21st century Leadership, Economics, Localization Efforts, Social Responsibility, Sustainability, and a host of other related subjects. 


If you would like to work one-on-one with a Business Advisor in your company or organization, we hope you will consider one of our Business Sponsors. 





Articles on Social Responsibility:


 Social Responsibility: Who's Got it Right and Who Hasn't? by Nigel Brownbill


 The Corporate Social Responsibility Debate by Nigel Brownbill


 Linking Leadership to Social Responsibility by Nigel Brownbill











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