Sonoma County


Some Resources

The following books may be previewed online. Please contact your Local Bookstore or Library to request a copy.


It’s the EconoMe, Stupid. Gregory Gull, Ph.D.   History of Economic Theory that discusses the need for a change in economic thinking in response to economic crises and the fallacies of current economic theory.


Out of the Crisis  W. Edwards Deming.  "Long-term commitment to new learning and new philosophy is required of any management that seeks transformation. The timid and the fainthearted, and the people that expect quick results, are doomed to disappointment."


Beyond Growth: The Economics of Sustainable Development. Herman Daily. Advocates the need for change in economic thinking in response to environmental crisis and the flaws in economic theory.


Thinking Today As If Tomorrow Mattered. John Adams. Explores how our lives and unsustainable habits are rooted in our thinking, attitudes and values. Recommends what we need to do to change.


Be the Best in Business.  Nigel Brownbill. "Business success is dependent on the ability of management to take advantage of potential opportunities, and through their flexible skills, enhance the long-term sustainability of the organization.


Strategy, Leadership and the Soul: Resilience, Responsiveness and Reflection for a Global Economy.  Jennifer Sertl, Koby Huberman.  Traces past history and presents a roadmap for the future of great organizations and Leaders.


Investing for Change: Profit from Responsible Investment.  Augustin Landier, Vinay B. Nair.  Brings together a wide variety of source data and analyzes that data in order to show the benefits, both moral and financial, of Socially Resonsible Investing.


The Consumer's Guide to Effective Environmental Choices: Practical Advice From The Union of Concerned Scientists.  Michael Brower, Ph.D., Warren Leon, Ph.D., & The Union of Concerned Scientists.


The Natural Step for Communities: How Cities and Towns can Change to Sustainable Practices. Sarah James, Torbjorn Lahti. Provides inspiring examples of communities that have made dramatic changes toward sustainability and explains how others can emulate their success.


Our Ecological Footprint; Reducing Human Impact on the Earth. Mathis Wackernagel, Phil Testamale, William Rees. Describes a powerful tool for assessing the resources required to sustain our households, our communties, and our countries. 


The Rich Get Richer: And Why the Poor Don't.  Edward N. Wolff.  A 2007 study of the Congressional Office Bureau explores the substantial increase in poverty and homelessness and how the wealth of the richest 1 percent of Americans totaled $16.8 trillion, $2 trillion more than the combined wealth of the lower 90 percent of the population. 





  Sonoma County - One People, One Community, Today!