Sonoma County


Current Community Projects


Job Link:  Work training and job search assistance for people who have been laid off contributes to the economic health of Sonoma County by reducing the consequences of unemployment and the need for public assistance. Job Link offers integrated services through a partnership including the Sonoma County Human Services Department, the state’s Employment Development Department,  and Santa Rosa Junior College.

CDBG Projects:  Community Devlopment Block Grant Funds are used for projects that improve the quality of living for lower income residents whose incomes are less than 80% of the area median income as established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.  Such projects include Housing Rehabilitation, Community and Senior Centers, New Affordable Housing Developments, and Homeless Shelters.

Cittaslow:  The group has banded together to educate Sonoma Valley residents about the importance of pollinators to local agriculture and food production; to address the need to re-establish local bee colonies which have dropped dramatically over the last several years; and, to deal with implications of climate change at our local level. Cittaslow’s new collaboration hopes to not only create awareness about the rapid decline of native bees, but also to develop a pollinator-friendly environment that invites participation of the entire Sonoma Valley community.

The Junior League of Napa-Sonoma develops projects after careful consideration and research of an unmet community need that falls within the emphasis on positively impacting the lives of children and families.

Please see Community Events  for one day and on-going volunteer projects throughout the county.





  Sonoma County - One People, One Community, Today!